
































内容简介:1贝暖发现自己穿进一本无cp末世文里,变成书中的圣母女配,专拖小队后腿,最后为救一城人牺牲队友,被读者骂成筛子。贝暖:男主我认识,剧情我知道,女配逆袭我擅长啊脑中叮地一声:圣母任务开启 ,在男主面前表现圣母,圣母度百分百才能离开哦。贝暖:……小剧场:贝暖:老大爷,这是我们最后一块毯子,您盖着吧贝暖:小朋友,你快跑,我们帮你断后贝暖:这位呲着牙想咬人的兄弟,想尝尝牛肉干吗?这是最后一块,归你了~丧尸:???队友:男主:……(这位圣母你戏过了吧?)贝暖:(严肃)(我发现投喂丧尸也加分,真的)2男主陆行迟碾压一切,是bug级的存在,却百密一疏,眼睁睁看着小队团灭。重生后第一件事,就是打算把那朵圣母白莲花扔进丧尸堆里。一天天拖下去,越来越下不了手了。小剧场2贝暖(采访):请问在末世,你为什么肯和我这样的人组队?队友1:因为遇到危险你一定会救我,末世嘛,骗子太多,傻瓜有点不够用,且用且珍惜。队友2:因为没有你,整队人里我就跑得最慢。队友3:因为我觉得你不是圣母,是个沉迷圣母戏的黑化大佬,蹭个大腿抱哈队友陆某:留着暖床。贝暖:ω小剧场3:系统:新任务解锁,现在起二十四小时,在男主面前秀圣母不再获得圣母值,在男甲乙丙丁面前秀圣母,会有双倍圣母值加成哦贝暖:竟然有这种好事?陆行迟发现,昨天她还在他面前信誓旦旦,说什么“我要寸步不离地跟着你,和你分开的每一秒都是浪费生命”,今天人就彻底不见了。【虽然每天做好事但我真的不是好人】一心只想做任务必杀技眨眨眼睛装可怜沙雕型女主vs专业级鉴婊专家男主小甜文,轻松款,1v1,he每晚九点准时更新,修改全都不用理,一定是捉虫。预收文《云养的毛茸茸是大魔王》求收藏【你不rua猫,猫就rua你】1安稚在云养宠物网站云养了一只毛茸茸,每天跟它聊天,隔空投喂,在线舔屏。毛茸茸的主人从来没露过面,却会给安稚留言,声音清润动听。一养就是两年,有一天,那只毛茸茸的频道突然从网站上消失了。安稚失落了好些天,最后下定决心,从宠物店抱回一只小猫崽。结果隔天就有人找上门。是个身着镶毛素锦长袍的男人,他看一眼安稚怀里抱着的小猫崽,俊美无俦的脸瞬间阴沉:“我才走几天,你就敢有别的猫了?”安稚和猫崽:喵喵喵??2魔王符渊在青翳镜里云养了一只人类,每天跟她聊天,隔空投喂,在线舔屏。大家都知道如今符渊有了只宠物,无比可爱,居然天生不长毛。符渊视若珍宝,每天贴身带着,寸步不离,随手就rua,rua个不停,天天被咬。有一天他忽然宣布要跟宠物大婚。大家:???小剧场:符渊:吱吱,过来,看,新买的人粮,喜不喜欢?安稚:安稚:谁是吱吱,走开安稚:安稚:大闸蟹诶!油焖虾诶 >>


内容简介:我的死敌成了上将星际笔趣阁,我的死敌成了上将星际sodu,我的死敌成了上将星际小说,我的死敌成了上将星际顶点,我的死敌成了上将星际探汤,【重新梳理大纲……稍晚更新】四年前因为孟泠的证词 陷入流放的死敌回来了,身居高位,压他一头全星系都知道孟泠的证词是伪证,都在积极给段上将提供报复孟泠的证据孟泠胆战心惊,终于等到了再次见到段杓的那一天。四年不见,眼前的熟人陌生到让人害怕段杓眼神阴沉,让人毛骨悚然的笑,“其实,孟泠,我当年最后好像有点喜欢你了,还准备好好追你来着。”孟泠猛地抬头,不敢置信的同时眼里闪动起几乎从未在他眼里出现过的惊喜的光然后,段杓的那一丝笑消失得无影无踪,“不过现在我发现,你配不上让人追,床上玩一玩也就够了。”狠话天天放执行就手软攻vs底线很低道德观残缺十分缺爱受【高亮必看:不是互宠,前期会有点虐。攻受真的是仇人,攻是回来报仇的。受性格不择手段。】1w0-96051 >>


内容简介:  舒盼以为顾绍霆就是她的真命天子,她得到了世间最美的爱情,却不知道自己并没有被爱过,一切的美好都是假象,直到三年婚姻破碎,她从围城里逃出来才明白一切都是顾绍霆的谎言和报复……  时隔 四年,再相遇,她身边已经有一个小小的她,而他身边也有了谈婚论嫁的女友,两人就是两条平行线,但是顾绍霆却发现对她有了更深的眷恋,当他知道那小小的人儿是自己的女儿时,他火冒三丈,此刻他只想握住母女的手,守候一生。1w0-2148 >>


内容简介:榻上欢:妃不可欺最新章节由网友提供,《榻上欢:妃不可欺》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的都市小说,小兵免费提供榻上欢:妃不可欺最新清爽干净的文字章节在线阅读。1w0-54 731 >>




内容简介:五年前,陈阳被迫替大哥顶罪,他本以为陈家会好好照顾母亲,可是当五年后,他重新回到陈家,却得知母亲去世的消息,而夺走母亲性命的罪魁祸首就是陈家。这次归来,他已经不是过去的丧家之犬,经过了 五年的打拼,陈阳一手创建了龙魂战队,成为了令人敬畏的白衣死神,他绝对不会让母亲枉死,他要让陈家为此付出惨痛的代价。1w63804-82454 >>


From Illuminati-Manga: At the turn of the previous century, the earth quaked. The earth's crust began to shift for the fourth time, centering around the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. The entire world's land mass was reduced to 3/5 of the planet, and the human population was reduced by a third. Put simply...the earth had gotten old. In 2039, there was only one country that continued to prosper, glaring around at the rest of the dying planet: Japan. Todoroki Jin returns to Tokyo, the city where he was born, in hopes of finding his friend Ryoma. Little does Jin know about how Tokyo's changed since his last visit... The oneshot at the end of volume 3 is called Warrior of the Holy Flame, Abi. Recommended for fans of Riki-Oh

Assari Chocolate

1) 'Easy Chocolate' is about a guy who thinks women are annoying, but there's a particularly persistent one! Will she succeed in winning his heart? 2) 'Heavy Clouds, No Rain' is about a young couple that suddenly gets a visit from a stranger who demands consolation money! 3) 'Broach' is basically a story revolving a cat that a couple picked up once. 4) 'From the Cabbage Kingdom '03: Hesitation' is about a reluctant but budding teenage love between an unlikely pair.

Crazy Love Story

From Tokyopop: Jin Sung Moo does his best to hide his inner feelings; Shin Hae Jung dances to the beat of her own drum; and Jimmy is an out-of-this-world guy with a revved-up motorcycle and style that is second to none. Some say it's an extreme kind of love. Some say it's just crazy. Some say it's a crazy love story.

Himawari Den!

Himawari! is the story of Himawari and her journey to become a Kunoichi, and her 'vow' to protect her master. Himawari Hinata recently transferred to Shinobi Gakuen to train to become the best kunoichi she can be. She wanted to be a ninja ever since she was saved by one when she was little. On her first day, she meets Hayato Madenokoji (a new transfer teacher) who saves her life. Hayato does not possess any ninja skills or traits, he is teaching the ninjas about normal society to pay off his debt. However, Himawari notices that Hayato bears the same mark on his neck as the ninja who saved her when she was young.

Profitable Squab Breeding

Profitable Squab Breeding summary: Profitable Squab Breeding summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Profitable Squab Breeding. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Master Detective

The Master Detective summary: The Master Detective summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Master Detective. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

An International Episode

An International Episode summary: An International Episode summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of An International Episode. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Marriage of an Esteemed Supreme Healer, a Noble Ruler

The Marriage of an Esteemed Supreme Healer, a Noble Ruler summary: In her previous life, she was a highly respected Heavenly Empress, but on the eve of her wedding, she was betrayed and died by self-immolation!
Reborn as the abandoned daughter of a broken dog family, she was bullied, however, the one who hurt her is above her and enjoying the prestige!
Once reborn, the phoenix flew into the heavens once again!
Taming divine beasts, coagulating the Force, mastering the art of healing and poison, and controlling the life and death of the G.o.ds!
She vowed to make those who betrayed and abused her suffer and return the torment a hundredfold!
He is a weak and gentle King Li, and the King of the Night, who holds the world in his hands, but for one person, he has devoted his life to her.
He promises to make sure that the only person he has ever loved is safe and happy, forever living in bliss.
She thought the journey would be filled with blood and tears, but she didn’t know that what awaited her instead was a lifetime of premeditated, luxurious favours!

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