



















欧巴, 你不会爱上我吧













内容简介:  下半部简介:【穹顶之上,吾命之征】  1,这是天顶战争后的世界:大尖退守南极,世界暂时恢复安宁,蔚蓝启动了全面征兵,人类生活在蜕变,源能科技大爆炸。  韩青禹回到封龙岙,一觉醒来… …  2,在一个光与暗切割的世界里,你看到浩荡人群的背影,背负战刀平静从光影走向黑暗。然后,黑暗里开始有星辰闪耀。  这个世界,那些星辰,永远在……1w0-305 >>


内容简介:淫欲之巅(高H,短篇肉文合集)小兵,淫欲之巅(高H,短篇肉文合集)sodu,淫欲之巅(高H,短篇肉文合集)小说,淫欲之巅(高H,短篇肉文合集)顶点,淫欲之巅(高H,短篇肉文合集)妄季, 高H,简繁从?62开始为未发表于其他地方的【全新】短篇,唯发于此最近完结的长篇:P站它成精啦!(高H,简繁)hot活在成人片AV的世界(NPH,简繁)#校草#师生#公媳#青梅竹马※注意※1?1?61为作者的短篇文章汇整,方便归整搜寻,内容与独立成篇的相同,小心不要重复订阅了!2关于1V1的界定。前提:女主在和男主H前可能是处OR非处i结局选择和男主一人在一起为1V1,标注1V1。ii若男主为女主的出轨对象,结局未写明是否与原对象丈夫、男友、暧昧对象等分开,偏向开放性结局,则不标注1V1(ii类常见于公媳文)女上男下,被压着强肏,后入,NP,1V1,电车,野外,兄妹,公媳,强奸,轮奸,按摩棒↗↗↗,口口,颜射,双穴齐插……求个珍珠,让我知道你喜欢这本书∠」∠(点击“我要评分”即可送珍珠),么么哒简繁版本在同一章节,上简下繁,按一个版本收费2大部分是1V1,另有NP、NTR(较少)3各个作品的详细文案可戳↓进入作者“妄季”的作品区根据篇名查找或是直接戳下方的对应连结↓↓↓*妄季的连载完短篇合集*淫色(高H,简繁)希望大家能支持一下,谢谢*妄季的已完结长篇*1淫女浪事简体H淫女浪事繁体H慾望情事录(BG,高H,简繁,1v1短篇合集)*妄季的已完结短篇*1师父,我还要!师徒1V1,BG高H,简繁公公,不可以!公媳1V1,BG高H,简繁小姐,请慢用。主仆1V1,BG高H,简繁嘘,小声点!兄妹1V1,BG高H,简繁性色童话之灰姑娘1V1高H,简繁讨厌,不要停!电车强制,高H,简繁诱奸美媳妇(公媳,高H,简繁)少爷,来吃我!(主仆1V1,高H,简繁)媳为吾妻(公媳1V1,高H,简繁)不吃入穴焉知其硕(兄妹1V1,高H,简繁)按中生情(高H,简繁)出轨就该找公公(公媳,高H,简繁)路遇巨棒猛男(高H,简繁)和尚夫君好会插(1V1高H,简繁)公公,求你了(公媳,高H,简繁)中了他那根巨棒的毒!(原名:无做不爱(高H,简繁)双胞胎的好处(原名:佳偶天成(兄妹,1V1高H,简繁)竹马操青梅(3P高H,简繁)胯下的诱惑(公媳1V1,高H,简繁)骚媳妇的快活人生(公媳,高H,简繁)严谨教授浪儿媳(公媳1V1,高H,简繁)严肃警哥媚弟媳(高H,简繁)迷奸大肉棒哥哥(高H,简繁)被校草设计轮奸(4P高H,简繁)叫公公一声好老公(公媳1V1,高H,简繁)这不是我的好儿媳!(三观不正坏同事X形象崩坏 >>


内容简介:钟阳大学毕业后回到矿山,在做宣传干事的时候,结识了地区工会的女干事钱英。他做梦都没有想到出身草根,却能有机会步入官场。他为夏云天平反,并与代县委书记李正达展开一场较量。使他有机会在官场 上施展自己的才华,并为贫困的百山县做了很多有益于百姓的事。然而,仕途并不是一帆风顺的,当胡书记调到省里后,钟阳便被调入南江市水利局,坐上了冷板凳。此后,钟阳又在竞选副市长中胜出,不久便被派往宣河市任市长主政一方。在仕途起伏跌宕中,锻炼了钟阳的政治智慧,考验了他的执政能力,也让他在政治上迅速成熟起来。同时,在官场与爱情的漩涡中,钟阳的人格得到升华。小说精彩纷呈,悬念丛生,环环相扣,具有震撼人心的力量。1w0-73312 >>


内容简介:开局编辑邪神模板,成为黑暗巨头最新章节由网友提供《开局编辑邪神模板,成为黑暗巨头》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的都市言情类型小说,开局编辑邪神模板,成为黑暗巨头由作家枯 荣创作,小兵免费提供开局编辑邪神模板,成为黑暗巨头最新清爽干净的文字章节在线阅读,主要讲述的是:【小说网独家签约小说:开局编辑邪神模板,成为黑暗巨头】穿越到邪神散播混乱,太古禁忌从时光长河中复苏的危险世界中,方宇凭自己的能力成为一尊黑暗术士,就在即将登顶霸主之时,意外重生,成为了模板编辑师。能够提取世间万物化作模板,并且融合获得能力,开局创造血界武王模板。【黄昏世界树】【炽天使残骸】,【灾厄使者】末日上帝,吹响灭世号角,宇宙破灭!【灵界吞噬者】【暗星泰坦】【世界之眼】【诸界吞噬者】,吞噬诸天万界,熔炼无尽虚空!【混沌炼金师】【真理之门】真理主宰!以世界为材料,法则为熔炉,炼制超脱魔药!当无限龙神、暗影主宰、血皇帝、深红之王、命运观测者……无数的模板在他手中诞生,成为笼罩世界的阴影,哪怕是邪神也为之战栗……小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-65601 >>


内容简介:五年前,他是豪门大少,却在新婚之夜,满门被灭,五年后,他荣耀归来,天下权势,尽握手中!王者回归,曾经失去的,终将千百倍的拿回来,也誓要弥补对老婆的亏欠!老婆,当我牵起你的手,整个世界, 都要向你卑躬屈膝!1w18673-26742 >>


内容简介:(本文荣获成都市首届金熊猫网络小说大赛第一名)他是我国历史上第一位真正的皇帝,比秦始皇还早了2000年;她是称霸西南的鱼凫国女王,骑着双头蛇游历天下。亡命天涯,只如一场度假!地球上,只 能有一位共主,唯有权势相当者,方有资格相爱相杀。Ps下面进入正式版简介:不周山不是一座山,它是上古宇宙大联盟的天空母舰!大禹王之子夏后启打造的九鼎是九艘航空1w0-74653 >>

Taishou Mugen Kitan

From Storm in Heaven:Taisho Mugen Kitan is a collection of 4 short stories, loosely based around historical/supernatural themes.Taisho Dream Stories – Yin & Yang: In the Taisho Era (1912-1926 CE), a young noble called Sakuya is traumatised by a recurring dream in which she is strangled by ivy. Is this a prophecy? Or a vision of the past? Driven to despair, the young girl turns for help to a brilliant Noh dancer who somehow shares an enigmatic connection to the spiritual world. Yet the unravelling of this mystery is more complicated than anyone could imagine, entwining vengeful spirits, lost love, tragic devotion, a silent guardian, and an unbreakable bond which may yet save Sakuya…at the price of the ultimate sacrifice.Taisho Dream Stories – The Killing Stone: This continues the story of Akira Hanawaka, an unusually gifted Noh dancer who crosses the barrier between the physical and spiritual realms. But what lies at the heart of his powers? And how is his world changed by an unexpected confrontation with his younger brother? Secrets are revealed when the demons of Akira's past ominously threaten another's future.Beloved Princess: A young exorcist at court during the Heian Era (794-1192 CE) is confronted with a series of bizarre incidents involving the occult. But nothing is as it seems, and a greater mystery remains to be solved: the tragic tale of Princess Hashi.Evil One: Sometime in the not too distant future, civilization has been decimated by a biological weapon known only as Evil One, stolen from the laboratory of a brilliant scientist and unleashed upon the world by an enigmatic group of terrorists. In this shattered world, a young prostitute called Agata struggles to survive. His life goes by unnoticed until one day, after a particularly brutal encounter, Agata is rescued by a mysterious stranger who appears to know more than anyone should about the dark secrets of Agata's past. Who is this man? What does he want? And, most importantly, what is Agata's connection to the Evil One?

Itsuwari No Daishou

Part of a collection of oneshots called 'Mijuku na Kareshi'. When teenager Mahito sees his father and his father's secretary Kazaoka having sex, Kazaoka is sure that Mahito hates him. But then Mahito's father dies and he takes over the company and Kazaoka! According to MyAnimeList, this is part of a collection of one shots. The order goes like this: 1) Aimai na Kankei 2) Yasashiku Toraete; sequel to (1) 3) Itsuwari no Daishou (False Compensation) 4) Man On! 5) Kodomo Ijou Otona Miman 6) Sweet Restraint; (Amai Kousoku) 7) Miracles Don't Happen (Kiseki wa Okorenai) 8) Mijuku na Kareshi; extra to (7); (Childish Feelings; Immature Feelings)

Seven Sisters!

From Village Idiot: To Minagawa Ichiri, both good things and bad things are bothersome. That's why his principle is to avoid doing anything that would cause such a thing. However, there is one thing that he can't avoid - because of his parents' jobs, he was constantly transferring from school to school. This time, he has transferred to Reimei Academy, one of the five famous private academies called the 'Seven Sisters.' On his tour of the school with vice president Kirishima Shitone, an attack occurs! The attacker seems to go after people with long black hair and a sword in an attempt to find and exact revenge on 'Double Edge,' who killed one of her best friends using a power called 'Idea,' where she brings her principles into reality using a wrist band called 'Codec.'


[From Serenus Dreamers]: 1) Training Love: What happens when Tachibana finds out that Aya has a secret hobby, will he tell Fujiki, who Aya likes or will he keep it a secret? Soon Aya starts to have feelings for Tachibana, how will it go? 2) Pale Sacrifice: Yuri's handsome bodyguard Kashiwagi is always there to protect her. But at night he changes into a wolfish guy and Yuri wouldn't mind being eaten up... 3) Midsummer Temptation: Shiori was a substitute teacher when she met Yuu, and now the two have been dating for awhile. But Shiori is trying to find a job and the stress may be too much for their relationship. 4) The Wound: Mayu has just started dating Kazuya, the hardworking guy she sees every day on her way to work. But there's something she's worried about telling him: she was in a car accident when she was three and has a huge scar that runs down her body. But Kazuya won't mind, right?

The First Four Notes: Beethoven's Fifth and the Human Imagination

The First Four Notes: Beethoven's Fifth and the Human Imagination summary: The First Four Notes: Beethoven's Fifth and the Human Imagination summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The First Four Notes: Beethoven's Fifth and the Human Imagination. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Broken Soldier and the Maid of France

The Broken Soldier and the Maid of France summary: The Broken Soldier and the Maid of France summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Broken Soldier and the Maid of France. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Beltane the Smith

Beltane the Smith summary: Beltane the Smith summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Beltane the Smith. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Grounds of Christianity Examined by Comparing The New Testament with the Old

The Grounds of Christianity Examined by Comparing The New Testament with the Old summary: The Grounds of Christianity Examined by Comparing The New Testament with the Old summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Grounds of Christianity Examined by Comparing The New Testament with the Old. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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