
















想改变命运吗? 那就跟我玩个游戏吧~ 觉得自己人生失败的东太,羡慕嫉妒完美的转学生。 他却对自己说“这就像玩游戏一样简单”。
















内容简介:看书就到haitangshuwu综网王黑篮名柯南超高h涉及各种场合调教道具等不喜勿入会拆掉官配但不会黑化女生们不喜勿入请cp党勿人参公鸡谢谢!再一次醒来后,她的世界就变了,柔姬所知道、 所认识的男人们,竟然全都对她抱有别样的欲望。监视、强迫、药物、囚禁、调教、诱导……她的身子……要玩坏了。ps:隔日更尽量日更(具体还要看系统……)您要是觉得(综漫)别这么变态还不错的话请不要忘记向您qq群和微博微信里的朋友推荐哦!推荐地址:1w0-77505 >>


内容简介:置顶【俞衡非男主,俞衡非男主】另附,扒文案抄的作者祝扑街八百年。简介十六岁,阿姜成为俞衡的未婚妻。漂亮美丽如同瓷娃娃的少女,跪坐在樱花树下,戴着宽沿帽,穿着复古的宫裙,怀里抱着一只白毛 蓝眼的布偶猫。周围是盛开的爬藤蔷薇花,绿叶攀附在少女的裙摆上。俞衡说“把她给我,我让殷家起死回生。”十八岁,阿姜在香市嫁给俞衡成为俞衡的妻子。穿着白色婚纱的姑娘,看着那双修长的手指,犹豫很久之后,才伸出手去牵。小心翼翼,带着胆怯与害怕。二十岁,俞衡在外风流,有无数女人,却从不让那些女人靠近阿姜半分,也不让阿姜出去看这个世界,他给她这个世界上最昂贵的宝石,最漂亮的裙子,却从不给她自由。就像被束缚在高楼上的公主。二十三岁,阿姜死了。死的那天,天很晴,风很暖,窗外的樱花海开得很漂亮,爬藤蔷薇蔓上了窗台,舒展着柔嫩的花瓣。她趴在钢琴上,没有了呼吸。后来,阿姜重生回十六岁。离俞衡来殷家还有两天,离殷家真正的千金回归还有三天。阿姜偷偷把殷念给换回来,趁俞衡还没来之前逃之夭夭。【我做不得那被束缚于宫殿阁楼上的公主。】【我只想做那有着自由快乐与忧愁的灰姑娘】你心向自由与光明,不知这条路要披荆斩棘。有人盖上你的双眼,将荆棘斩尽,半跪在你面前,亲吻你细嫩的指尖,无比虔诚的低吟【你不属于国王。】【你属于我。】ps金丝雀的设定!是和基友!青灯如昼!商讨共用一个设定写出不同故事!俞衡不是男主,另附俞衡与阿姜结婚地在香。p如果您喜欢女配不是金丝雀,别忘记分享给朋友作者:戈南衣所写的《女配不是金丝雀》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-83368 >>


内容简介:《生存者末世》是作者词绪创作“我们的土地在今后将衰落,种种迹象表明土地将迅速走向灭亡——”程熠可在路上捡了一本书之后,莫名其妙绑定了一个系统,被拉进一个疯狂的游戏。当她陷入昏迷醒来的时 候,整个世界时间定格,世界上的每一样东西都被石化了,当然也包括一一人类。于是幸存下来的人,不得不自愿或非自愿地,经历一个个极端灾难世界。————目前待解封关卡:迷雾之城(已开通),冰雪大世界(已开通),灭世洪水(已开通),疯狂大地震(已开通),生物入侵(已开通)……恭喜各位玩家,欢迎进入【陷落世界】。温馨提示:①女主抽奖小金手。②主打灾难型末世无限流。③游戏实行积分制,可用于兑换各种物资。***【预收文《基建人生无限》戳作者专栏收藏】文案:柏溪意外进入一个名为“试维者选拔赛”的游戏中,在每个荒芜的星球都需要待满三个月的时间,并且必须完成开发者设置的任务——重建星球。柏溪怒而翻脸:“三个月就想我重建一个星球,笔趣阁首发生存者末世最新章节,全文免费无弹窗1w0-85949 >>


内容简介:  陆哲,国宝级电子竞技大师,电竞圈世界第一人,怀着对妻子的愧疚,重生回到5年前。正当他准备这一世戒掉游戏,安心做个好老公时,老婆却一头扎进了电竞圈……1w0-2159


内容简介:伊祁从魔法世界获得半神实力后便开始从各个世界劫掠物资返回家乡没想到解决老家的灭世问题后她便又一次展开异世之旅那么问题来了:开局就失忆,要如何走下去呢?穿书作品集:即使遍地是主角、配角, 也阻挡不了她走向幸福旅途宫斗前二十年:那就先把天下拿下,给后宫小主们一片安稳的战场高危无限流:既然能徒手抓鬼,应该也能徒手抓系统在一个又一个的世界里,她做过普通人,担任过救世者,见识过奇妙的大世界,面临过即将陨落的小世界在一个个世界里,她弥补缺憾,确认道心,拯救世界,积累功德,了结因果,完善道心最终飞升成神唯一的遗憾的就是,到最后也不知道一直跟在一旁的家伙,原型到底是什么?难道?他是个串?!本文将于2月24日周三入(倒)V,倒v章节从2962,看过的读者请勿重复购买哦,入V将三更奉上。谢谢大家一直以来的支持,往后新文也请继续支持PS:有兴趣可以看看第一部《修真魔法二合一快穿》,不看没影响1w0-72473 >>


内容简介:修武依靠丹田,而我,能掌控自己的丹田,也能掌控任何人的丹田,我是丹田掌控者!【南极海作品,风格依旧】本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我是丹田掌控者》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的 朋友推荐哦!1w0-87702 >>

Sora No Seibun

The main characters are Okamoto and Koizumi. Okamoto is an athlete, more preciously a basketball player. He just entered his high school just to be with his girlfriend, Yumi. There is a backstory between Okamoto and Yumi. Yumi has a large ugly scar on her back. Okamoto accidently dropped a boiling kettle on her back when they were elementary kids. Since then, Yumi threatened Okamoto to be responsible for what he had done by forcing Okamoto to be Yumi's man. Even though it does not clearly show, they regularly have sexual relationships. All that changes when the short and skinny Koizumi joins the basketball club. Koizumi is generally described as cute and feminine. You cannot even tell whether he is male or female in casual clothing.

Soft Romantic

From BAA: Shuka Nakagawa is a man in a woman's manga world. Cute, into feminine things, he and his new editor, Kenji Asama, have to compete with women artists for publication. With Kenji's support, just how far can Shuka go... and how far can he fall?

Shounen Wa Asu O Korosu

Rebellious misfit Fujieda Kei hates everything about his life; the elite private school he was forced to attend, his unreliable 'friends', and the annoying cellphone which is always buzzing with calls from people who want to ask him for favours as the school's bad-boy. Quiet, studious, and admired by students and teachers alike, Sakuraba Atsushi appears to be his polar opposite in every way. Since they obviously have nothing in common, they had never even spoken to each other before - despite being classmates. But all of this changes one day when Fujieda's classroom prank goes wrong; Sakuraba lets his unemotional demeanour slip for a moment as he taunts Fujieda and his vagrant lifestyle. Faced with Sakuraba's true personality, Fujieda is gripped by an emotion he had never experienced before... There are two extra stories in the second volume: 1) Kan no Naka no Watashi no Kedamono (My Caged Beast) A psychological story taking place inside the tight security of a yakuza base. 2) Indigo Blue Koga and Shiba don't quite fit into the ordered Japanese system, and so they leave the country. We pick them up again 4 years later in Mexico City. One final dirty job, and they'll have enough to retire to that Caribbean island with the sky of indigo blue...

Tonari No Obake-San

From Day of the River: Nanami received the opportunity to start her independent life once entering high school, and began to live on her own. However the next door neighbour, a young man named Niji, emits a mysterious aura inside and out. Little by little Nanami is attracted to Niji, until she discovers the big secret he's been hiding…

Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha summary: Eighteen-year-old Trinity is unlike any other werewolf in her pack. For one, there were unusual circ.u.mstances surrounding her birth, for another, she is the only pack member to never shift into a wolf form. So now she doesn't quite belong anywhere. Not quite human and not quite wolf.
She thought she would be able to live her life how she wanted when she had turned eighteen. Go to college, make some friends, have some fun. But what is she to do when the dangerously s.e.xy Alpha literally falls right into her lap?
'I am not human, and I am not a wolf. I don't belong anywhere...'
'...we both know that no one is going to mate with me, and even if they did, they would just reject me anyway.'
What is the s.e.xy, brooding Alpha going to do? The elders are making him hold these ridiculous parties to search for a mate. He doesn't want a mate, but he knows he needs a mate to finish the Alpha Circle. Without a mate, a Luna for the pack, his people would suffer. And what is he going to do when he stumbles across the girl that fate has chosen for him and he finds out she has no wolf?
'This cannot be!' I roared. 'There is no way that I can mate with a girl that does not even have a wolf. She will be too weak. She will be inferior. She will not be strong enough to be a Luna.'
'I simply could not accept her as my mate. Not fully. It wasn't safe for her. She would get herself killed. And she would bring my pack down with her.'
When these two meet, sparks will surely fly. But will it be from pa.s.sion, or their constant fighting? Neither of them wanted a mate. Neither of them wants the mate that fate chose for them. And neither of them can make that mate bond go away. What are they going to do now that they're literally stuck with each other?
***Rating Warning***
Adult Language
Strong s.e.xual Content

Midnight Rambler_ A Novel Of Suspense

Midnight Rambler_ A Novel Of Suspense summary: Midnight Rambler_ A Novel Of Suspense summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Midnight Rambler_ A Novel Of Suspense. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Pleasures of a Single Life

The Pleasures of a Single Life summary: The Pleasures of a Single Life summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Pleasures of a Single Life. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Protestants Plea for a Socinian

The Protestants Plea for a Socinian summary: The Protestants Plea for a Socinian summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Protestants Plea for a Socinian. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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