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内容简介:《玄学大师要联姻》在线做法求预收孟鱼放弃高薪工作,改行做了地府特办处的职员,兼职一家香火店。从此不但卖纸钱符咒拉高地府GDP,还得帮助各路鬼魂完成奇葩心愿,让他们心甘情愿去投胎。某日, 在地府进修土地神的外婆托梦,说给她定过娃娃亲……男主版文案:人帅多金的富三代蒋赫遵守祖父的意思,娶了个十平米香火店的店主。圈子里盛传那女人只会折纸钱,狐朋狗友天天赌他们什么时候会离婚。蒋赫:你们知道个P,昨晚亲眼看见那女人将无头鬼踹出门外。谁特么敢提离婚两个字……小剧场:倒霉鬼:中了彩票五千万,还没来得及花。孟鱼:我来替你花抠门富商:我的两百亿欧元,子孙谁也不能抢孟鱼:我来替你搞定造反王爷:我谋划一生,未当上皇帝孟鱼:哭了!换个理想行不行孟鱼表示,混个地府金饭碗太难了……一句话简介:地府黑科技,全球····求预收《玄学大师要联姻》····孤儿汤小鱼从小坎坷,吃了上顿没下顿,某天正在地里刨土豆时被天雷劈了一道,从此好像哪里变得不一样了。不仅算出邻居家的猫下几只崽,还能算出哪天下雨打雷。这天,汤小鱼从满地土豆子看出一副卦象:哟,亲生父母要来找她了!还是金光闪闪的大土豪!!!从此,身为金矿矿主唯一继承人的汤小鱼,人生开挂了……男主版文案:两大家族为了前途选择联姻,这在圈子里很常见,可是蒋家三公子蒋澈即将联姻的对象有些磕碜。发小甲:“听说是地里刨土豆子的土妞。”发小乙:“扯淡!明明是刨地瓜的土妞。”蒋澈生无可恋,他亲眼看到那土妞刨出来一撮花生,还说是什么上上卦……····推荐基友的文····《久违了,周同学》by四单铺男霸女强的爱情《我和女主杠上了》by般罗若在线pk绿茶女主《狐狸精养崽攻略》by空煜锦歪养崽子正当爹《鉴情师》by噗噗星这该死的真香定律!《一代名师【系统】》by木易少一横一个怕麻烦的老师得到系统后……····我的完结文····《半神她超刚超凶》女主硬核,在线成神《后宫职场升职记》女主后宫咸鱼翻身史《厉害了,朕的娘娘》后宫狡猾女官与腹黑皇帝的奋斗史《穿越之又一春》穿越女医生遇见如玉暖男《我家叫兽是狼变的》暖心高能的缉毒猎人1w0-29819 >>


内容简介:刷小怪虽然可耻,但是有用。当刷小怪增加百倍经验和百倍爆率的时候,什么boss都是浮云。DNF搬砖究极体林小强穿越到200年后的地球,这天天都在黄的游戏竟然还在!甚至地球联邦倾尽全力推广 的全息网游《战场》也是以此为蓝本制作。进入《战场》获得究极天赋的林小强如鱼得水,肝脑涂地,终于站在游戏的巅峰。而此时,人类正处于生死存亡之际!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《网游:开局刷怪百倍增幅》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-30025 >>


内容简介:创业青年魂穿到修道世界,来自现代科技的脑瓜子,与修道系统彻底卯上了。雷劫?我有有避雷针!阵法?我会统筹学!剑道?我知道无招胜有招!阴谋诡计?几百部的宫斗剧可不是白看的!各种无厘头,各种 打脸,逼得我爆发,就把你们彻底踩在脚下!1w0-2999 >>


内容简介:所有人都知道李颜爱贺南风,爱得不顾一切,飞蛾扑火,可是她的爱一直都没有回馈,她也会累。八年的时间,她放低姿态,甚至不要自尊的在他身边,只想让他看她一眼,得到的却从来都只是他的忽视。终于 李颜决定离开,可知道她要走的贺南风却慌了神……1w63800-83159 >>


内容简介:  她是帝国第一神(兽)医,一朝穿越,竟成了家徒四壁的小农女。  上有弱不禁风的娘亲,下有嗷嗷待哺的幼弟,更要命的是,她还被渣男退了亲——  NND!老虎不发威,当她是HelloKit ty啊?!  虐渣男,斗极品,治愈病弱阿娘,养大瘦小阿弟。  开荒田,种白地,坐拥良田万顷,自此走上人生巅峰。  小日子越过越惬意时,传闻中令人闻风丧胆的活阎王竟然逼上门来,扬言要娶她?  虽然她喜欢美男没错,可听说这王爷……  “王爷,咱俩不熟!”某女一脸认真地说。  “呵呵。”某王爷意味深长地勾了勾唇角,从身后刷刷刷地拎出三个肉嘟嘟的小奶包,“叫娘。”  某女风中凌乱……  (古风暖文,先苦后甜,欢迎跳坑O(∩_∩)O~)  男主九朝,朝代的朝。1w0-3774 >>


内容简介:传说中一根黄瓜惹出的祸事。某天晚上,被抓包之后。男人恶声恶气:真忘记我了?她抓抓头发:不好意思,我有脸盲症,一时还真想不起来。男人凑在她耳边好心提醒:半年前,那个晚上……她面红耳赤:是 你!男人理所当然地笑了,不仅是他,而且以后的都会是他!脸盲?看一次不记得没关系,如果是一辈子,她还会不记得吗?1w0-101690 >>

History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi

History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi Manga is a Japanese manga by Syun Matsuena serialized in the weekly manga magazine Shonen Sunday from August 2002 to September 2014. The narrative focuses on a 16 Kenichi Shirahama -year old high school student as well as a longtime sufferer of intimidation. In the beginning of the story, he befriends want to eventually become more powerful; and transfer pupil Miu Furinji, he follows her a dojo home, to Ryozanpaku several masters of martial arts that are varied, directed by her grandpa Hayato Furinji. After learning principles from Miu, Kenichi beats a high ranking member of the karate club of the school, and becomes a goal for the delinquents in the institution. Kenichi becomes enamored of Miu, and finally becomes a complete disciple of Ryozanpaku while initially training to guard himself. Later, the day-to-day routine of Kenichi is broken up between training below his battles against the members, and the six masters of Ryozanpaku of 'Ragnarok', a gang of bullies trying alternately to recruit or to vanquish him. Miu and Kenichi are targeted by Yomi after Ragnarok is disbanded, several disciples personally trained by means of a master of an organization matching Ryozanpaku, Yami. While the masters of Ryozanpaku and their allies follow the principle of constantly sparing their adversaries' lives (Katsujinken), the members of Yami consider that any means of defeating an adversary is valid, including homicide (Satsujin ken). While his masters face the members of Yami in the battle between both factions, Kenichi, Miu, as well as their allies fight the members of Yomi. The conflict between both factions culminate with all the ultimate battle to prevent Yami's major goal, which will be to usher a fresh age of turmoil and war on earth, also called 'The Eternal Sunset'. Their principal leader is conquered and after the Eternal Sunset is prevented, Yomi and Yami are disbanded too. Kenichi subsequently continues to train at Ryozanpaku, and years after he becomes a renowned novelist, but it is also suggested that he also becomes a martial arts master as well as Miu's husband at the same time. Main characters in History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi Manga Kenichi Shirahama is primary Protagonist and the name character of History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi. He could be the Disciple of the six masters of Ryozanpaku, examining martial arts from them to not only get more powerful, but to finally develop bravery and the strength needed to defend the individuals and values which are most imporant to him. He's additionally a member as well as the honorary 'co founder' of the Shinpaku Alliance, alongside the creator Haruo Niijima (the after of which he's not completely happy about) and is now another year pupil at Koryo High School in course 2-E. In the final outcome of the show, he not only marries the love of his life, Miu Furinji, however he eventually becomes a Master himself. History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi AMW Miu Furinji is the principal female protagonist of the show. She was previously in The School of Shouchiku Gakuen before transferred to Koryo High School in course 1-E where she and he met a shared love interest and Kenichi started. She's the granddaughter of Hayato Furinji, A Disciple and member of The Ryozanpaku, as well as the sole daughter of Shizuha Furinji and Saiga Furinji. She's also a decendent of both the Kuremisago Clan as well as the Furinji Clan, which are both regarded as being ill-famed tribes of martial artists who have been known for his or her physical superiority. In the final outcome of the show, Miu became the wife of Kenichi Shirahama. Other manga: + Death Note Manga + Terra Formars Manga

Marchen Awakens Romance

Ginta Toramizu is a 14-year-old kid who doesn't have a lot going for him: he's near-sighted, doesn't do well in school, sucks at sports, and to top it off--he's short! But Ginta is a dreamer and has had the same dream 102 times, always in the same fantasy world, where he is a hero blessed with all the abilities he lacks in real life. Then one day a supernatural figure appears at Ginta's school and summons him to a mysterious and exciting new world! In this strange universe filled with magic and wonder, he is strong, tough, agile--and he can see without his glasses! Thus, Ginta begins a mystical quest in search of the magical items known as 'ÄRMS,' one of which may have the power to send him home. Joining him on this epic journey are his companion Jack and the valuable living, talking, mustachioed iron-ball weapon known as 'Babbo,' which everyone wants but, it seems, only Ginta can possess!

Nidome No Isekai Shounen Datta Kare Wa Toshiue Kishi Ni Nari Dekiai Shitekuru

'The boy I saved before becomes an older and a highly talented knight!' One day, Sara was transported to another world and saved a boy named Luke who was pursued and collapsed in the forest for some reason, and decided to live together with him. However, just as Luke was beginning to recover from his wounds, Sara was abruptly sent back to her own world. Three years later, Sarah returned to the other world again and reunited with a 25-year-old Luke, the finest ice magician in the country and a knight who earned baronetcy for his achievements! He used to be 10 years younger than her, but now he's two years older and a romantic interest. 'I'll reward you with my entire life,' he said as he began to dote on Sara.

Akutou Ii

This collection of five short stories illustrate how the author's drawings have changed through the years: 1) Akuma no Kuchibiru Eri was being harrassed on the streets by her ex-boyfriend Yuji. Out of nowhere, Kei came to her rescue but then he suddenly forced her to kiss him!! Ever since that day, Eri has not been able to forget that passionate kiss. One day, Eri met Kei again at her workplace. Unknowingly, Eri fell in love with him...!! 2) Green Apple Romance She knew him in middle school, and finally transferred to his high school to an unfriendly welcoming. 3) Bad Kozo Doki Friends, Delinquents, Schemers, Lovers. 4) Mitsumete Bike Boy Senya decides to confess to her sempai on his graduation day. 5) Jungle Boy As Nao is late to school, she's taken along for a ride on a rope with Aso, almost smashing into a window!

Star Wars_ Recovery

Star Wars_ Recovery summary: Star Wars_ Recovery summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Star Wars_ Recovery. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The New Heavens

The New Heavens summary: The New Heavens summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The New Heavens. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Miranda of the Balcony

Miranda of the Balcony summary: Miranda of the Balcony summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Miranda of the Balcony. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Mythologies of Ancient Mexico and Peru

The Mythologies of Ancient Mexico and Peru summary: The Mythologies of Ancient Mexico and Peru summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Mythologies of Ancient Mexico and Peru. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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